S3 products are used in a variety of construction projects ranging from residential, commercial, industrial to institutional.

At S3 Technologies, we are dedicated to manufacture products to the highest of quality and reliability in a competitive and sustainable manner.


Self-Leveling Floor Topping (Rapid Set) SmartTop RS is a polymer modified cementitious material designed for use as floor topping at a thickness of 5 mm – 10 mm per layer. It is specially formulated to provide a foot traffic-able floor within 2 hours after placement. The characteristics of easy la ...Read more

SmartTop RS

Self-Leveling Floor Topping (Rapid Set)

SmartTop RS is a polymer modified cementitious material designed for use as floor topping at a thickness of 5 mm – 10 mm per layer. It is specially formulated to provide a foot traffic-able floor within 2 hours after placement.

The characteristics of easy laying and rapid hardening makes SmartTop RS ideal for floor repairs and maintenance jobs, both of which requires minimum downtime. SmartTop RS is a one-component powder requiring only the addition of water.

  • Fields of Applications
  • Benefits
  • SmartTop RS may be applied over any interior or semi-exposed area with sound concrete substrates as a wearing topping or underlayment. It is often used as a rapid and cost effective reinstatement of residential and commercial floor surfaces
  • SmartTop RS is recommended for small areas or long corridors. Large areas should be divided into bays prior to placement.
  • Excellent flowability and mix consistency
  • Foot traffic-able within 2 hours
  • Quick laying, resulting in overall cost and time saving
  • High abrasion and impact resistance
  • Low shrinkage
  • Suitable for overlayment and underlayment


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